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Bosnia and Herzegovina

AIM (Overall goal you want to achieve by tackling harmful narratives in your local community):

To bring youth from different ethnicities together to cooperate an work together to support migrant and refugee children/youth

OBJECTIVES (Specific and measurable steps that you will take to achieve your aim):
To bring different social groups together to work around the issues of migration

Activity Description:
Planning/organizing of the ‘workshop’ in nature

1. Writing one-pager
2. Send one-pager to donors/funders
3. Team meeting in SJJ and Skype
4. Agree on location and type of workshops (length, participants, etc)
depending on funds
5. Contact municipality for approval of venue/accommodation
6. Plan agenda of workshop
7. Make questionnaire for open call for participants
8. Promote open call
9. Confirm participants
10. Finalize transport plans
11. Host the event

Target Group(s):
youth 18-30 from different parts of BiH, donors, internal meeting, municipality persons, participants

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
computer, internet, paper, travel

Online campaign that follows the activity:

Activity Description:
Produce video of activity

Target Group(s):
Participants and YEU Intl

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
camera, phone, computer

Online campaign that follows the activity:

Activity Description:
Produce 2 articles for local media and YEU

Target Group(s):
Local community and YEU

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
computer, internet

Online campaign that follows the activity:
2 articles

Activity Description:
Movie screening/discussion

Target Group(s):
local youngsters in the youth centre

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
projector, film rights, room in the youth centre

Online campaign that follows the activity:
pictures and testimonials