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AIM (Overall goal you want to achieve by tackling harmful narratives in your local community):

To decrease the hate speech from our local community against migrants and change their perspectives about their cultures and traditions. To raise awareness about the advantages that migrants can bring to our society and
enlighten the urgency of actively integrate them in the community.

OBJECTIVES (Specific and measurable steps that you will take to achieve your aim)

Activity Description:
Narratives 101: intro to narratives.

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
• flipcharts
• markers
• printed samples from bookmarks

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Storytelling (Anthropological view, and practical activities)

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
• flipcharts
• markers
• papers printed samples from bookmarks
• projector
• old magazines
• cards (better tarots)

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Football game

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Migrants and refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
Football field, Football equipment (if it’s possible)

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Theatre forum

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
Open space / Wide space

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
“Teatro-canzone” (Song-theatre)

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
Wide space, Musical instruments (if needed)

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Intercultural dance (Sharing different way to dance)

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and Refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
Open space / Wide space

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Intercultural Graffiti

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and Refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):
Open space / Wide space, Spray cans, walls or panels

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Activity Description:
Games (Board games, Foosball tournament, Role play games, Simulations)

Target Group(s):
High school / Secondary school, Teachers, Migrants and Refugees

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.):

Online campaign that follows the activity:
Radio, School newspaper, social media, (pictures, videos, lives)

Gather young people and migrants from Tortona to do a workshop based on NFE education activities (practical and theoretical) : storytelling, theatre lab, cooking lab, graffiti lab, sports matches, and board games. In this way
we’ll bring people together to deconstruct pre-concepts and help both parts to enter in contact with their society, values and customs.


* Activity developed in the youth center
** Activity developed in the schools