

AIM (Overall goal you want to achieve by tackling harmful narratives in your local community): Most of our citizens, especially the young people, are victims of public shaming and discrimination based on what they wear.

We want to make people realize that clothing does not define anything. Regardless of what you wear, you can be a good citizen, respected person, and someone the society needs.

OBJECTIVES (Specific and measurable steps that you will take to achieve your aim)

• To deliver the message of “Clothing does not define anything” through online sphere (At least 2000 people)

• To encourage people to become more open-minded

• To make young people understand that clothing should not affect their social standing and it is not a part of their personal traits.

• To create posters showing our alternative narrative

• To create handbook in our language, so that people can get informed about hate speech and narratives

• To raise social awareness on this particular issue


Activity Description: Presenting the notions of narrative and hate speech in general, to make some activities with them in order to gain possible supporters for our online campaigns, who can help us to share and spread our message.

Target Group(s): Active young members of “IRELI” Public Union

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.): Basic Training Materials, Working space

Online campaign that follows the activity: Sharing pictures from the workshop, with mentioning its purpose and goal.

Activity Description

Creating posters for online campaign (With the theme that “Clothing does not define anything”) and sharing them through social media.

Target Group(s): Social Media Users of Azerbaijan

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.): Research, designing tools, creativity and imagination, social media management

Online campaign that follows the activity: Gradual sharing of posters in Social Media, with chosen hashtag. Also, in the news sites, with the support of our organization

Activity Description

Creation of handbook in Azerbaijani language, that can deliver the theoretical part of hate speech and narratives, based on local examples of our community.

Target Group(s):

People who speaks only Azerbaijani language

Resources Needed (e.g. materials, equipment, space, etc.): Time, hard work, research and designing skills, printing equipment

Online campaign that follows the activity: Making the handbook available online and sharing it.